The Women’s Health practice at Mount Sinai Hospital is a long-standing community clinic serving an inner-city population in Harlem, the South Bronx and Queens.
The clinic has worked hard to provide comprehensive and evidence-based medicine while also offering a network of support services including close follow-up with social work, dietitians, and multi-disciplinary referrals to specialists.
Education and counseling are key components throughout a patient’s prenatal care; however, follow-up rates remain low, especially among those mothers with high-risk obstetrical issues, adding to the overall community problem of maternal morbidity associated with chronic and evolving health conditions.
This proposed project will include a mixed-methods approach to explore the barriers, needs, and assets of prenatal and postpartum women, their families, and their communities and culminate in the design of supportive measures with digital health solutions.
LocationNew York, New York
Focus Areas Community Impact